Community Support

We bring dignity and care to seniors in need with our network of community care support services.

Supporting seniors and their caregivers

We help seniors who have little or no family support, by connecting them to relevant community services after a comprehensive needs assessment. The aim is to enable seniors to age in the comfort and familiarity of their homes and communities.


Community Care Support for Seniors

Community Care Support provides intervention care for vulnerable seniors who have no or little family support, such as physical, functional, mental, emotional, financial, home environment and social assistance.

Our team of social service professionals also partner with neighbourhood volunteers to regularly visit the homes of such seniors to monitor their wellbeing. We do basic health screening for seniors who may be at risk of dementia or depression, to ensure they obtain the necessary support early.

The aim is to enable such seniors to remain at home, in their preferred community for as long as possible. This is done with a team of trained social workers using a case management approach, monitoring and counselling services. Case managers conduct regular home visits and link such seniors with community support and assistance services to help meet their needs.

NTUC Health currently runs Community Care Support services in an expanded service area, which now includes Jurong East, Beo Crescent, and Chinatown. Together with other social and healthcare service partners, we deliver holistic care for more seniors and their caregivers. For information and referrals for care services, please click here to access the referral form.

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Caring for Caregivers

Depression and dementia often go untreated because of fear, apprehension, stigma, denial and lack of money or family support. Caregivers may get stressed from caring for their loved ones. Our team is here to support caregivers and seniors with depression and dementia.

Our team can link family members or domestic helpers up with a caregiver support group, managed by our Community Resource Engagement and Support (CREST) team. In this caregiver support group, community resources related to eldercare and caregiving are shared via a WhatsApp group chat. Meetings for caregivers are also organised at least once every three months at an Active Ageing Centre (Henderson, Taman Jurong, Boon Lay) or virtually. Caregivers can share their thoughts and feelings, challenges, exchange caregiving tips and receive emotional support in their caregiving journey. For better mental resilience, caregivers can also attend our health talks. Caregivers who are interested in such social support can contact us at or 9455 2308. Need help finding CREST support? Click here for the referral form.

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Henderson Home

NTUC Health officially took over the management of the Henderson Senior Citizens’ Home from the Chinese Women’s Association on 2 January 2010. The Sheltered Home was managed and funded by the Chinese Women’s Association from 1978 to 2009. It was renamed to Henderson Home in 2013 after a major renovation and re-opening ceremony. Co-located with our Active Ageing Centre and Day Centre for Seniors, Henderson Home is located on Level 2 of Block 117 Bukit Merah View.

Living Environment

Furnished with modern furniture fittings and equipped with wheelchair friendly facilities, seniors can age-in-place comfortably in a place they can call home. Seniors are encouraged to provide mutual care and support to one another while also having access to a range of social services through NTUC Health’s Coordinator.

Our Services

We provide care coordination services to support the well being of seniors, who require reminders on medical appointments and service linkage for medication packing or meals on wheels.


  1. Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident of Singapore, 60 years and above
  2. Certified by a doctor to be fit for communal living

Contact us to register your interest or enquire more at 9237 8568 (Jenny) or 9089 4194 (Sam).

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Senior Group Home

Seniors are encouraged to provide mutual care and support to one another while also having access to a range of social services through NTUC Health's Care Coordinator. A nominal monthly fee is charged for rental, utilities, service and conservancy charges.

Living Environment

NTUC Health Senior Group Home is located on Levels 3 and 6 of Block 57 Lengkok Bahru. Furnished with modern furniture fittings and equipped with wheelchair friendly facilities, seniors can age-in-place comfortably in a place they can call home.

Our Services

We provide comprehensive support such as helping to arrange case management services to support the well-being of seniors, which includes services such as meals on wheels, medical escort transport and home nursing.


  1. Seniors aged 60 years and above, who are Singapore Citizens
  2. Existing HDB rental resident or eligible for HDB Rental Housing
  3. Seniors assessed to have low to moderate care needs
  4. Certified by a doctor to be fit for communal living and/or participation in communal activities

Contact us to register your interest or enquire more at 9237 8568.

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NTUC Health Community Social Services
Block 163 Bukit Merah Centre,
#03-3599, Singapore 150163
M: 8612 8302

NTUC Health Community Social Services (Bukit Merah)
Block 121 Bukit Merah View,
#01-96, Singapore 151121
M: 8612 8302

NTUC Health Community Social Services (Taman Jurong)
Block 361 Yung An Road,
#01-0111, Singapore 610361
M: 8612 8302

NTUC Health Henderson Home
Block 117 Bukit Merah View,
#02-199, Singapore 151117
M: 9089 4194, 9237 8568

NTUC Health Senior Group Home
Block 57 Lengkok Bahru,
Singapore 151057
M: 9237 8568


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