Befriend our seniors today

Support the needs of seniors in the neighbourhood

If you are searching for a way to make a meaningful impact while forging new connections, why not sign up as a befriender? By dedicating just a few hours of your spare time every month, you can bring joy and companionship to the lives of our seniors.

We currently have around 150 active befrienders who have been linked up with over 1,000 seniors, aged between 60 and 100. Many of these seniors are socially vulnerable, have medical conditions, or have difficulty getting out of their houses due to mobility issues. Some are homebound, living alone, and rely on befrienders for companionship.

Befriending involves trained volunteers offering support and encouragement to socially vulnerable seniors. Volunteers commit to regular monthly or fortnightly visits to foster friendships with these seniors (befriendees). During these visits, befrienders provide support in the form of companionship to seniors who may be living alone and may not have someone to care for them regularly. This could mean simply lending a listening ear or checking that a senior takes their prescribed medication regularly. Such acts of kindness can go a long way in preventing our seniors from feeling alone or forgotten.

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What can I do as a befriender

As a befriender, your role extends beyond conducting regular home visits and tele-befriending sessions; you become a source of emotional support and meaningful companionship for socially vulnerable seniors.

These seniors are often at risk of social isolation due to factors related to their social, psycho-emotional, or physical well-being. They often live alone and may sometimes be the primary caregiver to a loved one with high care needs.

During your visits, you can engage in heartfelt conversations and help create a safe and comforting environment that helps seniors build social ties and stay connected with their community. By doing so, you play an instrumental role in restoring their sense of belonging, which is essential for their overall well-being. Your presence promotes active and positive ageing, helping these seniors continue to lead fulfilling lives.

Despite their vulnerability, many seniors may find it challenging to ask for help, fearing they could burden others or be seen as a bother. Consequently, they may become emotionally distressed, struggling to cope with their basic needs. Your warm interactions and friendly conversations as a befriender can alleviate this emotional distress, making a significant difference in their lives. Through your companionship, you offer a lifeline, uplifting their spirits and showing them that they are cared for and valued.

In addition to the joy you bring into their lives, your role as a befriender involves being attentive to their needs and providing feedback to NTUC Health’s coordinators to ensure specific actions are taken when further assistance is required. With your support, these seniors can age gracefully and maintain a sense of connectedness that enhances their quality of life. Becoming a befriender offers you the chance to give back to the community and create a positive impact in the lives of seniors who need love, care, and companionship in their golden years.

What qualities are needed to be a befriender?

In Singapore, there is always a need for befrienders to provide regular companionship and support for seniors. Anyone aged 16 and above can volunteer to be a befriender. Formal training will be provided; what is most important is that you are willing to listen, as most of our seniors just need someone to talk to. We encourage befrienders to be compassionate listeners and to practice empathy during home visits.

Other preferred skills/qualities:

  • Friendly, with good listening and communication skills
  • Genuine interest in people
  • Reliable and committed to helping others in need
  • Ability to speak a dialect is a bonus!

Benefits of being a befriender

  1. Make a Positive Impact
    Knowing that you are making a positive impact on the life of a senior in need can be incredibly rewarding. By providing emotional support, engaging in conversation, and offering companionship, you have the power to uplift the spirits of a befriendee and help them lead a happier, more fulfilling life. Moreover, interacting with seniors who have a wealth of life experiences can be both enriching and fun! Listening to their stories, insights, and wisdom can broaden your perspective and offer valuable life lessons. If you share a common hobby or interest with your befriendee, you could engage in these activities together or, even better, bring them to one of NTUC Health’s Active Ageing Centres for activities like gardening, arts and crafts, and more!
  2. Meaningful Connections
    As a befriender, you'll have the opportunity to meet new friends, forge meaningful connections, and build lasting friendships.

  3. Personal Growth
    Engaging with seniors will offer you valuable experiences that broaden your perspective as you navigate the challenges and joys of befriending. You will also enhance your interpersonal and communication skills, making you a more empathetic and compassionate individual.

  4. Help someone in need
    Many befriendees have little to no contact with others in their neighborhood. You might be the only person they speak to that day or even that week. Loneliness can have a detrimental impact on their mental well-being. Having someone familiar to talk to and someone who listens can make a real difference in their lives.

  5. Learn new skills
    NTUC Health offers orientation and training to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to be an effective befriender. You will have access to resources, guidance, and a supportive network, ensuring that you have the confidence to provide support and foster meaningful relationships with your befriendees.

Being a befriender is incredibly rewarding, especially when you see the faces of the seniors light up during your visits. By bringing joy to those who need it most, you can help create a world where no one feels forgotten or isolated.

Here are some inspirational stories from our befrienders and befriendees.


Heartwarming reunion with long-lost workplace friend

Mdm Alijah and her close workplace buddy, Mdm Santha, lost touch after Mdm Santha had an accident at work and resigned. Forty-five years later, in 2022, Mdm Alijah, now a befriender, was assigned a new befriendee. To her surprise, it was Mdm Santha, whom she had been looking to reconnect with for years. Mdm Alijah now visits Mdm Santha twice a month and has even roped in her daughter to help collect food rations for Mdm Koorunathan, who has mobility issues.

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Befriender Mr Teh Kok Seng

Befriender Mr Teh Kok Seng, 68, visits Mr Quek Soon Cheh, 64, on a monthly basis. Having volunteered for various organisations for about 18 years, Mr Teh decided to become a befriender in 2019. That same year, he started befriending Mr Quek. Mr Teh, who has undergone 16 surgeries, empathizes deeply with Mr Quek, who visits the polyclinic regularly to check on his left foot and undergoes dialysis three times a week. Mr Quek, who has had his right lower limb amputated, is wheelchair-bound and is seldom visited by family members due to their own medical conditions and responsibilities. Today, Mr Quek and Mr Teh acknowledge each other as friends after years of conversations and companionship.

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Are you ready to make a positive difference

Stepping into the role of a befriender is a transformative journey that allows you to have a profound impact on someone in need. You hold the power to bring light to someone's darkest days by reassuring them that they are not alone.

By bringing happiness, companionship, and empowerment to socially vulnerable seniors, you contribute to building a stronger support system for Singapore's seniors. Our volunteer programme offers comprehensive training, ongoing support, and the opportunity to forge lasting friendships. Together, we can create a compassionate society where no one feels isolated or forgotten. Join us in making a positive difference in the lives of those who need care and companionship.

Take that first step towards becoming a befriender and embark on a journey of compassion and connection.

To register as a volunteer, please fill in the Volunteer Registration Form here: Volunteer Registration Form.

Frequently asked questions

  • As a start, volunteers are required to commit only about once or twice a month, at least 30 minutes per visit. You can choose to increase your commitment and visit more than one befriendee.

  • Indicate your language skills and preferred location / address when you are filling up the volunteer registration. That way, you will be matched with someone who speaks the same language and stays near you.

  • Training will be provided. All befrienders will have to attend a mandatory orientation of approximately 2 hours before they are assigned befriendees. A NTUC Health associate will also be present on the first day when the befriender meets befriendee.

  • Befrienders are not required to bathe befriendees or take them to the bathroom. More commonly, we have befrienders who accompany befriendees for their medical appointments. However, before you do so, please inform the befriending coordinator.

  • During the orientation, befrienders will be briefed on some common requests by seniors which you can assist with. For requests that deviate from the common requests, inform the befriending coordinator and seek advice. Do not promise anything on behalf of the centre.

  • We encourage volunteers to commit to befriending for a minimum period of 6 months to ensure that the senior is supported, and minimise disruption in the relationship building process. If the befrienders change regularly, there will be a lot of rapport building instead of establishing and strengthening the bonds between the befriender and befriendee. If you need to stop for an extended period, please inform the befriending coordinator a month in advance. This is to prepare the senior for the change in befriender.

  • Befrienders will be required to complete post-visit reports via an online link. This will allow us to keep track of the visits and to know that if the befriendees require additional assistance.

  • There will be no financial reimbursements. However, volunteers can expect regular volunteer appreciation gatherings at our Active Ageing Centres as we would like to appreciate your efforts.

  • Yes, our befriending coordinator will work with you and the senior to schedule the visits monthly based on the frequency of visits. Should you be unable to make it for certain visits, please inform the befriending coordinator who will make alternate arrangements or reschedule that particular visit.

  • Yes! While we are happy that you have established a connection with the befriendee, we would require you to inform the centre for any additional visits.

  • Please feel welcome to do so if it is to the nearby market, food centre or to the centre. However, we discourage any trips beyond that. If there are any such requests, please clear them with the befriending coordinator.

  • From time to time, the centre may invite befriendees to participate in centre activities or outings. We may require your assistance to accompany the befriendee for such activities. Other than home visits, you may be required to call befriendees as part of the check-ins.

  • You may make your way to the centre, and contact the befriendee using the centre hotline.

Volunteer with NTUC Health

Apart from befriending services, volunteers with NTUC Health can also play an important part in our centre-based activities. Volunteers can lead or participate in providing care, support and a listening ear to our seniors at our Nursing Homes, Active Ageing Centres and Day Centre for Seniors.


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