Active Ageing Centre Feedback Form

We appreciate your feedback!

Mode of Interaction *
Do you feel welcomed by the centre staff? *
How well were your objectives and needs met after your contact with the centre staff? *
How would you rate your overall experience? *
On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend NTUC Health Active Ageing Centres? *
Can we contact you regarding your feedback? *
Are you a senior (aged 60 years old and above), Next-of-Kin to a senior, or a Partner? *

NTUC Health's partners include NTUC social enterprises. To find out more, please visit NTUC Enterprise.

Please note that if you do not indicate your details and preference, we will not be able to send you any information on promotions and discounts on NTUC Health and our partners. Should you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, you may submit your request via email to

For more information on our Active Ageing Centres, please visit us at

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