Published on 03 Mar 2025
1 in 2 healthy Singaporeans aged 65 and above could become severely disabled in their lifetime and may need long-term care.
Providing care for our aged parents can be a heavy responsibility that requires sacrifice, time, and financial resources. However, it can also be rewarding and fulfilling.
To help ease the financial burden on caregivers, the Singapore Government, along with the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) and Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), have recently introduced an insurance scheme called CareShield Life (previously known as Eldershield).
CareShield Life is a long-term care insurance that offers enhanced monthly cash payout to eligible applicants who are severely disabled due to chronic illness or injury.
In this article, we will share more about CareShield Life and how you can get caregiving help with NTUC Health’s Home Care services.
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CareShield Life, previously known as Eldershield[1], is a long-term care insurance scheme introduced by the Singapore government on 1 October 2020. CareShield Life now provides a base monthly payout of $662 to eligible applicants in 2025, an increase from the $300-400 monthly payout previously with ElderShield.
Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents born in 1980 or later are automatically enrolled with CareShield Life, or when you turn 30. For residents born in 1979 or earlier, it is optional to join CareShield Life. Find out more details about the insurance scheme by visiting the CareShield Life website, or learn more about it from this article by MoneySmart.
CareShield Life premiums are fully payable by Medisave. The care recipient’s family members (i.e. spouse, children, parents, siblings, and grandchildren) can also help to pay the premiums with their MediSave account or with cash. Once you are enrolled into CareShield Life, you will be covered for life. Also, after the age of 67, no further premium payment is required. Additionally, premiums are waived once you make a successful claim.
Care recipients who are unable to pay CareShield Life premiums even after subsidies and family support may be eligible for Additional Premium Support[2].
CareShield Life payouts can cover additional expenses on your medical costs on top of the existing hospital plan you have.
To be eligible for the monthly payouts under CareShield Life, the care recipient must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident aged 30 years old and above, currently insured by the scheme. To find out if you are insured under CareShield Life, log on to with your Singpass.
Secondly, the care recipient must also be certified by a MOH-accredited disability assessor to be severely disabled and unable to perform three or more of the six Activities of Daily Living such as;
To apply for Careshield Life benefits, contact a MOH-accredited severe disability assessor to provide an assessor’s statement. Should you and your loved one prefer the convenience of remaining at home over visiting the hospital or clinic, registered nurses, doctors, or therapists from NTUC Health’s Home Care service will be able to visit and assess your loved one’s ability to perform activities of daily living and provide the assessor’s statement.
Speak to our Home Care team to find out more about disability assessments, or get in touch with us at 6715 6715 for more details.
The first disability assessment for CareShield Life is free. For subsequent disability assessments in the event that the care recipient requires further assistance, it will cost $250 per assessment. The full assessment fees will then be reimbursed with your first payout if your application is successful.
Once the disability assessment report is ready, log in to AIC’s eService portal (eFASS) with your Singpass and follow this guide by AIC to proceed with applying for CareShield Life online or you may email or walk into any AIC Link for a hardcopy application form.
It may take up to 1 month to process an online application, and AIC will inform you if your application is successful. Once your application has been approved, you will begin to receive payouts to your nominated bank account the following month.
Finally, if your loved one requires long-term care and is a resident at a nursing home, the nursing home can help submit a Resident’s Assessment Form in place of the disability assessment. You may also arrange for them to receive the payout and offset nursing home bills. Please approach the nursing home for assistance.
Learn more about disability assessments and how we can provide support to your elderly loved ones with NTUC Health’s Home Care services.
As caregivers , you may need some help to ensure your elderly loved ones receive quality attention and professional care in a timely manner. NTUC Health’s Home Care services offer professional elderly care services to your loved ones at their homes and offer peace of mind to you while you are at work or away from home .
Our experienced home care associates can visit your home to help with grocery shopping, meal preparation, personal hygiene, and physical maintenance. Our nursing aides also provide help with wound care, medication. Should your loved one be recovering from a stroke, or living with Parkinson’s, we can also provide a comprehensive therapy plan to help them improve their range of functions and quality of life.
Ease your caregiving responsibilities at home without compromising the safety of your loved ones. Learn more about our disability assessment and Home Care services by calling at 6715 6715 for an appointment today.
A registered nurses, doctors or therapists from NTUC Health’s Home Disability Assessment service can visit you at home to assess your loved one’s ability to perform activities of daily living and provide you with a Functional Assessment Report. All you have to do is book an appointment by submitting a form on your preferred date and time.