NTUC Health Denticare (Bedok)

HeartBeat@Bedok 11 Bedok North Street 1, #01-04 Singapore 469662

Operating Hours:Mon to Fri : 8:30am – 5:30pm
Sat : 8:30am – 5:30pm
Sun & Public Holiday : Closed
Contact Us

Address all your regular dental care needs, such as check-ups, scaling, fillings, or extractions at NTUC Health Denticare (Bedok). With our wide range of general dentistry services, our dentists can craft a personalised plan for your oral health needs.

Follow these directions to find our dental clinic

  1. Take the train to Bedok MRT
  2. Exit from the control station and go down the escalator
  3. Turn right towards Exit B, Bedok Mall
  4. When coming up the escalator, look for the tall statues and market
  5. Walk along the market
  6. Cross the mini road and walk along the shops. Pass the Money Max store and keep walking straight
  7. Spot NTUC Fairprice and look for Heartbeat@Bedok on the left
  8. Walk straight in to Heartbeat@Bedok and turn left
  9. NTUC Health Denticare is diagonally opposite Watsons Health and opposite QB HOuse

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