
Volunteer your time and skills to give back to the community and make an impact! Find opportunities for growth and fulfilment while making new friends in the process.


Active Ageing Hubs & Senior Activity Centres

Live healthy, live happy and live well. Find a range of services and join a community at our Active Ageing Hubs and Senior Activity Centres located island-wide, where ageing can be a fulfilling experience. Our Active Ageing Hubs and Senior Activity Centres are active ageing care hubs and active ageing centres appointed by the Ministry of Health and Agency for Integrated Care to provide services for seniors.

Be an Ageless Senior

At NTUC Health, we believe that age is just a number and that seniors can lead exciting, purpose-driven lives, doing the things they love.

We help seniors do this by developing community-based activities that promote active ageing and improve overall well being. We also provide opportunities for seniors to help others and give back with their time, experience, and skills.

Our goal is to make your life more fulfilling. That is why our community and volunteer activities are at the heart of what we do.


Our centres

Our Active Ageing Hubs and Senior Activity Centres are drop-in centres for seniors in the neighbourhoods around Singapore. The centres provide an opportunity for seniors living nearby to interact with their peers and provide mutual support to each other.

In partnership with grassroots organisations, healthcare providers and corporations, our Active Ageing Hubs and Senior Activity Centres also offer a range of health and engagement programmes.

Our centres are also information and referral points to the government or other services for seniors who need assistance.

We currently have 3 Active Ageing Hubs and 10 Senior Activity Centres in Singapore.